Wednesday, August 17, 2011

pinterest + yummy food

Oh, how I love Pinterest. If you don't have a Pinterest account yet, you need to go get one right now! It's such a great way to organize all of the things you love and see on the internet. Something I use Pinterest for a lot, is organizing all of the yummy food I find on the web. This summer I've been experimenting with different recipes I've found on Pinterest. And I'd like to share some of the successful ones with you!

Margherita Pizza

In the summer I love to make grilled pizzas! One of my faves is the margherita pizza....fresh mozz, tomatoes, and basil. You can't go wrong with that combo!

I make this almost once a week!

Here's another grilled pizza I've made quite a bit this summer! You know if it's a Pioneer Woman recipe, then it's gonna be good! She def didn't disappoint on this one!

Stuffed Zucchini

I made this stuffed zucchini recipe earlier this summer and it was pretty yummy!

Here's how mine turned out!

Unfortunately the bugs and heat took a major toll on my garden this summer and my zucchini plants are toast...literally!


I just tried this Starbucks copy cat recipe tonight, and it was de-lish!

although, I wouldn't recommend drinking an espresso beverage and 9's going to be a long night...

And here a few more recipes that I've tried this summer and loved...just didn't get them photographed!

baked zucchini sticks (from a great food blog...check it out!)

zucchini & nutella swirl muffins...more zucchini. Are you noticing a theme here?? Made these for a baby shower and they were great!

twice baked bf loooved these!

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